Monday, 31 December 2012


New year,
New life,
New me.
I won't repeat my mistake again.
I won't let old noel come back again.
2013, I will be a better guy :)

Many things happened.
Include my birthday, final exam and also today!
So sad that 24 of december.
I'm sick.
But luckily, i still got u all :)
Thanks for giving me so many surprise.
Love u all <3 p="p">I will keep it inside my heart.
Really appreciate it :)
We did do our best.
I did.
I did do all my best.
If still can't.
Wish mean i need to change course ler.
and that time I would like to say.
BYE BYE, my dream.. :)
Whole weak.
Keep on repeat and repeat.
study and study.
sleep for 4 or 5 hours only
So pressure.
+ suffer.
How i wish i'm like those genius.
I did went to pub before 19 and the last day of my 18 x)
First time,
Really first time.
Those sounds, peoples, drinks, songs,
really make us mad.
Now i und why my friends always go to pub.
I see I see.
Many things changes.
My friends.
So I would like to changes as well xD
What can i do?
A new year leh.
Should i set a target for myself?
Let me think.
Wao. 2012.
Everything start here.
Our memory,
How we build up our relationship,
end it.
SPM ended,
decided my future.
My friends,
Went to UTAR.
Knew new friends,
even change my life style,
Many people said that i look alike someone.
Get more and more knowledge.
Study hard.
Play hard X)
Everythings. also came from 2012.
I learnt it in this year.
What a meaningful year :)
What should i do leh?
Even U treat me very very very very very cold till I also going to get freeze.
I'm always using a bunsen burner and heat myself to get warmer leh.
Please don't keep on reduce the temperature le la.
I'm trying hard to heat it ler.. T^T
14 days.
Before my school start.
I would like to change myself.
Do something which could benefit myself.
Learn something new.
Maybe guitar songs or piano? xD
Keep fit xD
I will do it. as my next 13 days holiday. haha
2013 ler. At here,
I wish u all can have a happy 2013 lar.
Every thing will be alright :)
for me.
I wish I can don't think about it edi.
Don't because of it suffer.
And also get u x)
GOOD nite and sweet dream.
"what a happy nite xP"

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